- Promote and affirm existing advantages in the area of natural gas product distribution pipeline, continue the development, investment, and construction, and promote market activities;
- Maintain the position as a leading companyfirm in the area of gas product distribution pipeline to industrial clients with high performance and competitiveness, and play the role as a key element in the gas value;
- Play a key role in implementing the market development strategy for reprocessed LNG products with focus on distribution pipelines to industrial clients;
- Research, set up, establish, and develop the market for urban city gas gas products;
- Take steps in planning to develop and expand the natural gas distribution pipeline system across the Southeastern region; develop and expand the system in Northern and North Central regions; establish gas consumption network in Central and South Central regions with connection to main pipelines of PV GAS;
- Maintain stable annual growth of gas consumptionoutput, promote the overall strengths of subsidiaries of PV GAS to develop and maintain the dominating share in domestic natural gas product market.
- Maintain the position as a leading companyfirm in the area of gas product distribution pipeline to industrial clients with high performance and competitiveness, and play the role as a key element in the gas value;
- Play a key role in implementing the market development strategy for reprocessed LNG products with focus on distribution pipelines to industrial clients;
- Research, set up, establish, and develop the market for urban city gas gas products;
- Take steps in planning to develop and expand the natural gas distribution pipeline system across the Southeastern region; develop and expand the system in Northern and North Central regions; establish gas consumption network in Central and South Central regions with connection to main pipelines of PV GAS;
- Maintain stable annual growth of gas consumptionoutput, promote the overall strengths of subsidiaries of PV GAS to develop and maintain the dominating share in domestic natural gas product market.
- Reach the total gas supply volume of 15.46 billion Sm3 through the piping system to industrial clients during 2022-2035 period. Start supplying city gas to o urban clients from 2026;
- Maintain a market share of over 90% for natural gas pipeline distribution to industrial clients for 2022-2025 period. Take efforts to maintain and develop gas output, promote the development on national scale, reach an average gas output growth of 6.5% per year, maintain a stable market share of over 70% for gas pipeline distribution to industrial clients for 2026-2035 period;
- Reform, enhance, and invest in new construction to ensure safe and optimal infrastructure and systems in compliance with the supply development plan of PV GAS, in which total investment of PV GAS D is 2,083.3 billion dong for 2022-2035 period;
+ Southeastern region: Continue investing to expand existing gas distribution system to meet the requirements of clients in industrial zones in Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Dong Nai Province and neighboring regions. Invest in developing the infrastructure for urban gas city consumers;
+ Northern and North Central regions: Invest in expanding gas distribution system for Tien Hai Industrial Zone, Thai Binh for the period after 2025 when gas supply is stable to meet customers’ demands; invest in gas distribution system with connection to LNG projects of PV GAS in 2031-2035 period;
+ Central region: Invest in gas distribution system and prepare to receive gas supply from domestic fields, including Ca Voi Xanh, Ken Bau, Bao Vang, etc. or LNG import for supplying low pressure gas to industrial clients and for CNG/LNG manufacturing purpose.
+ Southwestern region: Invest in gas distribution system for clients in Long An with connection to South East-West pipeline of PV GAS; make investments based on customers’ needs and gas sources from Lot B projects and LNG storage projects of PV GAS.
- Conduct the research and implementation of projects for supply of city urban gas products by using cogenerationoncomitant technologies.
- Service operation:
+ Provide technical consulting services on gas fuel for production and relevant service, maintenance, and technical support for gas distribution pipeline system to meet international standards of quality and performance;
+ Research and apply new technology solutions to increase labor productivity, save costs, reduce cost price, and enhance the competitiveness.;
- Strengthen the cooperation and make use of competitive advantages and existing infrastructure system for key activities.
- Maintain a market share of over 90% for natural gas pipeline distribution to industrial clients for 2022-2025 period. Take efforts to maintain and develop gas output, promote the development on national scale, reach an average gas output growth of 6.5% per year, maintain a stable market share of over 70% for gas pipeline distribution to industrial clients for 2026-2035 period;
- Reform, enhance, and invest in new construction to ensure safe and optimal infrastructure and systems in compliance with the supply development plan of PV GAS, in which total investment of PV GAS D is 2,083.3 billion dong for 2022-2035 period;
+ Southeastern region: Continue investing to expand existing gas distribution system to meet the requirements of clients in industrial zones in Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Dong Nai Province and neighboring regions. Invest in developing the infrastructure for urban gas city consumers;
+ Northern and North Central regions: Invest in expanding gas distribution system for Tien Hai Industrial Zone, Thai Binh for the period after 2025 when gas supply is stable to meet customers’ demands; invest in gas distribution system with connection to LNG projects of PV GAS in 2031-2035 period;
+ Central region: Invest in gas distribution system and prepare to receive gas supply from domestic fields, including Ca Voi Xanh, Ken Bau, Bao Vang, etc. or LNG import for supplying low pressure gas to industrial clients and for CNG/LNG manufacturing purpose.
+ Southwestern region: Invest in gas distribution system for clients in Long An with connection to South East-West pipeline of PV GAS; make investments based on customers’ needs and gas sources from Lot B projects and LNG storage projects of PV GAS.
- Conduct the research and implementation of projects for supply of city urban gas products by using cogenerationoncomitant technologies.
- Service operation:
+ Provide technical consulting services on gas fuel for production and relevant service, maintenance, and technical support for gas distribution pipeline system to meet international standards of quality and performance;
+ Research and apply new technology solutions to increase labor productivity, save costs, reduce cost price, and enhance the competitiveness.;
- Strengthen the cooperation and make use of competitive advantages and existing infrastructure system for key activities.